
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What's a Girl Gotta Do for Some Social Studio?

For this outfit, I would probably give up my roommates' dog and say she ran away (Janna and Dan, if you're reading this, I KID! Maybe.) or work a banquet on Christmas (oh wait, I'm actually doing that one ... the plight of the part-time underemployed). Either way, I'd definitely frolic around town in it, like, every day?

Amiright?? Top is the Trapeze Tank for $90; bottom is the Jersey Pant for $110. The whole outfit is made by Melbourne's The Social Studio, which uses all repurposed materials  and creates its clothing from the styles and skills of refugees. They even have a cafe and studio. I can't even get into how great the organization, and working for it, sounds. Read more here. (I'd even go so far as to label it "awesome," but I just read a frequent traveler's account of his top pet peeves about Americans, and that was towards the top of the list. Well played, sir.)

But yes, more importantly, I'll take one of each in size small please. Or maybe medium, if I wanna rock it baggy kine .... Dreamin' away for the holidays. (PS Don't listen to fashion nazis, I endorse light neutrals year 'round.)

Just some images from the website. Seriously, read more about Social Studio here, because I'm not doing its story justice. I originally heard about it from Stephanie over at Fashion at Liberty, and just featured the pants for my snow-day style post over there. Check 'em.

Also, if anyone has any good suggestions of nonprofits to straight up donate to, holla at a girl. Time to start "shopping" for da mama.

Happy Turkey Day, folks! I'm thankful for banjos, beach, and family -- the third of which I'll be Skyping with tomorrow AM.

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