
Friday, November 25, 2011

Skyping with the Fam = Happy Holidays! + Bhalo


1. Happy Thanksgiving from the Harmon family in Colorado!
2. Happy Caesar named brother Robert, with lil sis Alyse! (All the single ladies, line up. He's a keeper. All the single men, bummer. That pretty lady's been snatched up. Though she's also a keeper.)
3. Happy Anna winning 30 piece of gold on Dark Tower!

There's a bit of a story behind #3. See, back when I was a wee thing, my dad had this amazing game. It was called Dark Tower, and it made all fantasy lovers' dreams come true. Brigands, dragons, warriors, gold. And then he gave it away, and forever regretted it. For his 50th birthday, we bought it for him on Ebay (and it was not easy -- there are apparently a lot of nerds in the same boat) and then we coded a book so he had to guess what was coming in the mail for him.

It finally showed up when I was already back on the islands, and they've been Dark Towering away. But today, it's my turn! Thank goodness for Black Friday.

Oh, and yeah. I won. Above is a Reese's cup on top of the Dark Tower, because chocolate can only make things better. Here are a couple of quotes from our Skype sesh game:

1. Mom: Who am I? I'm so confused. Oh, there I am.

2. Conversation about haggling over the price of soldiers at the bazaar (the bazaar kicked me out):
Mom: Tom, did you tell her to haggle?!
Me: No, I wanted to.
Dad: See! She's her own person!

Gotta love 'em. As for your L&G find (as if that's not enough. Really.) ... check out the Thursday skirt from Bhalo:

100 percent handwoven cotton (don't judge me for not spelling out the 100 because it's at the beginning of the sentence ... it's my blog, I can do what I want to! Anywayyy...), cross stitch inspired by traditional Bangladeshi pattern, made in Bangladesh.

I'll be sharing more about Bhalo on Monday, so if you don't feel like researching, just hold out until then for more loveliness! (PS Thanks to Lloso for this find.)

Until Monday, happy aloha Friday and start of the holiday season, everyone.

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